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Friday, August 27, 2010

My Theory of Relatitivity

Customers asked me everyday “will rates get any lower”? My answer is “who knows!”. Financial people a lot smarter than I guaranteed that by now mortgage rates would be in the upper 5s or low 6s but for many people with really good credit, we’re still in the mid 4s.

Here’s my “Theory of Relativity”; a year or 2 down the road…or maybe even 6 months from now when rates are in the 6s or 7s and you look back at your wise decision to lock in a low rate in August of 2010, you will feel pretty good about getting fixed in the 4s. Plus or minus an eighth or a quarter will make little difference. Holding out to try and catch the bottom is very risky. In a flash we could loose what we feel is the bottom. It’s all relative.

Mortgage bonds are traded just like stocks and we want to get you the lowest rate possible….we want you bragging to your friends and relatives about how well we did for you. Stock traders always say “buy low..sell high”. If it was that easy, none of us would have to work for a living.

Don’t miss this opportunity. Lock in an unbelievable low rate today.

Everyone’s scenario is slightly different, based on many factors. Give me a call today and let’s see what we can do for you. I promise I will give you the best possible deal I can.

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